LIDER is a National Center for Research and Development program aimed at young scientists. Its goal is to expand the competences of young scientists in independent research planning and management of their own research team, during the implementation of research projects, the results of which may have practical application and have implementation potential. More infrormation about the competition can be found here.
Project amount: 1 798 835 PLN
Project duration: 01.06.2024 - 01.06.2027
Nowadays GaN-based laser diodes are commonly used in lithography, 3D printing and endoscopy. Also energy-saving LEDs are widely used in our households. Even though blue laser technology has reached maturity quite quickly, the commercially available green lasers are limited in power and wavelength. Increasing the wavelength of GaN-based lasers requires the fabrication of InGaN active layers with an increasingly higher indium content. This leads to unwanted stresses in these structures and the formation of defects. As a result, devices based on defective layers cannot work.
The aim of the project is to use enlarge the substrate lattice constant, that will facilitate the incorporation of indium into InGaN quantum wells and prevent the mismatch dislocations generation. The success of the planned research will pave the way for the demonstration of yellow laser diodes, which can be used, among others, in dermatology or eye surgery, because yellow light is effectively absorbed by hemoglobin.
We will use molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), which allows the growth of smooth InGaN layers without V-pit defects, with a critical thickness larger than it is possible with other methods. The key element in the proposed approach is the integration of the nanoporous GaN layer under the structure, which will enable elastic relaxation of the InGaN layer fabricated on top. Additionally, we will study the possibility of InGaN island coalescence to obtain an InGaN pseudo-substrate with a porous GaN underneath. Such porous InGaN substrates will be essential for the fabrication of green and yellow laser diode structures.
One of the possible device realizations is shown below:
Gołyga (Bilska)
The project is realized from 01.06.2024 to 01.06.2027