Hiroshi Amano – Nobel Prize Winner
Nagoya University, Japan
Transformative Electronics Based on GaN and Related Materials
for Realizing Sustainable Smart Society
Shuji Nakamura – Nobel Prize Winner
LED and Laser Diodes
Yusuke Mori
Osaka University, Japan
Recent Progress of GaN Growth by Na-flux Method
Sylwester Porowski
IHPP PAS, Poland
Is the phase diagram of GaN anomalous in respect to other tetrahedrally bonded semiconductors?
Zlatko Sitar
AlGaN - a semiconductor that nature has never intended
Chris Van de Walle
Acceptors in nitrides: doping, compensation, and impact on device performance
Shigefusa F. Chichibu
Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced
Materials (IMRAM) and Department of Applied Physics,
Tohoku University, Japan
Acidic ammonothermal growth of GaN
Hajime Fujikura
HVPE as a new tool for homo-epitaxial growth of highly-pure and thick GaN drift layers for power devices
Carsten Hartmann
IKZ, Germany
On the preparation of AlN single crystal boules and substrates, and subsequent epitaxy for AlGaN devices
Yoshinao Kumagai
TUAT, Japan
Thermodynamics on HVPE of group-III nitrides
Tomasz Sochacki
IHPP PAS, Poland
Recent progress in HVPE-GaN growth on ammonothermally grown GaN seeds
Xinqiang Wang
Peking University, China
InN films with high electron mobility
Ke Xu
Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS., China
Growth of GaN substrate by HVPE, progress and challenge
Marcin Zajac
Ammono-Lab; IHPP PAS, Poland
Basic ammonothermal growth of GaN
Jaime Freitas
A new method to achieve efficient iron doping of HVPE GaN substrates
Marcin Sarzyński
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland
InGaN quantum structures on patterned substrates
Jung Han
Yale University, USA
Stacking-fault-free (20-2-1) GaN on 4” sapphire substrates: a pathway to commercialize semipolar optoelectronics
Martin Albrecht
IKZ, Germany
InGaN still to be discovered
Rachel Oliver
Cambridge University, UK
Defects in nitride semiconductors
Tomoyuki Tanikawa
Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Japan
Two-photon-excitation photoluminescence and its recent progress
Atsushi Tanaka
Nagoya University, Japan
Observation of Dislocation Propagation in GaN on GaN Structure with a Multiphoton Excitation Photoluminescence Microscope
Andrzej Wysmolek
University of Warsaw, Poland
Excitonic spectra of ultra-thin epitaxial boron nitride layers grown by MOCVD
Mike Leszczynski
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland
X-ray Diffraction in Nitride Technology - most common mistakes and new opportunities
Lutz Kirste
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics, Germany
Defect Structure Analysis of GaN Substrates by Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
Pierre Ruterana
CNRS, France
Spontaneous formation of quantum wells, ordering and composition fluctuations in (11-22) semipolar AlGaN/GaN heterostructures grown by plasma enhanced MBE
Hideto Miyake
Mie University, Japan
Homoepitaxy of AlN on annealed AlN/sapphire template
Lukasz Janicki
Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
Determination of the Fermi Level in Doped GaN by Contactless Electroreflectance
Lars Grieger
Malvern Panalytical B.V., Netherlands
Williamson-Hall Analysis on Epilayers - A critical review of common practice
Julita Smalc-Koziorowska
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland
Differences in the mechanism of strain relaxation of InGaN buffer layers deposited on GaN/sapphire templates and GaN bulk substrates
Ramon Collazo
North Carolina State University, USA
Controlling Si Doping Limits in Al Rich AlGaN: Knee Behavior and Low Doping Limits
Masatomo Sumiya, Japan
National Institute for Materials Science
Evaluation of Structure and In-Gap States of Ion-implanted GaN Films by Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy
Nicolas Grandjean
EPFL, Switzerland
Burying surface defects in InGaN underlayer to increase blue LED efficiency
Valentin Jmerik
IOFFE Institute, Russia
Plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy of monolayer-thick GaN/AlN heterostructures for high efficient sub-250-nm UV emitters
Sylvia Hagedorn
Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Germany
Influence of AlN/sapphire substrate properties on growth and performance of AlGaN-based UV LEDs
Hideki Hirayama
RIKEN, Japan
Recent progress of AlGaN deep-UV LEDs by increasing light-extraction efficiency
Grzegorz Muziol
IHPP PAS, Warsaw, Poland
Long-living laser diodes grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy
Siddharth Rajan
The Ohio State University, USA
Tunnel Junctions for Next Generation III-Nitride Optoelectronics
Xiaohang Li
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Significantly enhanced performance for AlGaN UV LED by employing a thin BAlN electron blocking layer
Youngjae Park
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
375-nm Optically Pumped Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers with Air-Gap/Al0.05Ga0.95N Distributed Bragg Reflectors
Mi-Hee Ji
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
States Growth and Device Characterization of III-N Deep-Ultraviolet Avalanche Photodiodes and Arrays
Travis Anderson
Vertical Power Devices Enabled by Bulk GaN Substrates
Debdeep Jena
Cornell University, USA
Growth, Physics, and Applications of Tunneling Nitride Structures
Isik C. Kizilyalli
Advanced Research Project Agency - Energy,
U.S. Department of Energy, USA
Current and future directions in power electronic devices based on wide band-gap semiconductors
Tomas Palacios
GaN Nanostructures (or how to Take Transistor Linearity to new Levels)
Lynn Petersen
Navy Application of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Wide Bandgap (WBG) Semiconductors Enabling Future Power and Energy Systems
Jun Suda
Nagoya University, Japan
Electrical characterization of homoepitaxial GaN layers for GaN vertical power devices
Tetsuo Narita
Toyota Central R&D Labs. Inc., Japan
Donor states of carbon in p-type GaN grown by MOVPE
Grzegorz Cywinski
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland
EdgeFET Devices Fabricated on 2DEG GaN/AlGaN Heterostructures for Basic and Applied Sciences
Atsushi Yamada
Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
Ultralow-sheet-resistance high-electron-mobility transistor structures with strain-controlled high-Al-composition AlGaN barrier
Yoshihiro Kangawa
RIAM, Kyushu University, Japan
Theoretical study: Impurity incorporation in GaN MOVPE
Alexey Toropov
IOFFE Institute of Physics, St Petersburg, Russia
Optical properties of 1ML GaN in AlN: what happens beyond the envelope function approach
Stanislaw Krukowski
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Poland
Adsorption at nitride semiconductors surfaces - electronic aspects: surface
states occupation, the equilibrium pressure, growth and doping
Agnieszka Jamroz
University of Warsaw, Poland
Morphology and Electronic Structure of Carbon Doped Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Kenji Shiraishi
Nagoya University, Japan
First Principles and Thermodynamic Studies on GaN MOVPE Processes
Douglas L. Irving
North Carolina State University, USA
Compensation in Si-doped AlN: Mechanisms and opportunities
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