- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the seminar room in New Technologies building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Tuesday 18.02.2025 at 14:00 CET. Speaker: Dr. Roman Hrytsak (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) Title: Point Defect Dynamics and Their Role in the Structural Stability of InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski Unipress Thursday Seminar
Understanding GaN solubility in ammonothermal method is fundamental for the growth of high structural quality and large size crystals. When NaNH₂ is used as a mineralizer, retrograde solubility mode is obtained, i.e. solubility decreases with increasing temperature. The next Unipress Thursday Seminar will be devoted to the recent studies of ammonobasic NaNH₂–GaN–NH₃ system as a function of temperature, pressure, dissolution time, mineralizer concentration, and the surface area of GaN feedstock, opening the way to the improvement of the growth conditions. The next Unipress Thursday Seminar will be given by dr inż. Tomasz Sochacki from Crystal Growth Laboratory, Institute of High Pressure Physics in the talk „On the solubility of GaN in the ammonothermal process – results and their thermodynamic analysis”. Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, Februaty 27, 2025 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl Abstract of the talk is here. IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the seminar room in New Technologies building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is unusually scheduled on Tuesday 11.02.2025 at 14:00. Speaker: Prof. Piotr Perlin (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) Title: Gain-Guided InGaN Laser Diode with Plasma-Induced Isolation Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski Seminarium doktoranckie – mgr Manasa
Instytut Wysokich Ciśnień PAN zaprasza na seminarium doktoranckie „Physical properties optimization of iron-based superconductors by high-pressure growth technique”. Wykład w języku angielskim wygłosi mgr Manasa z Laboratorium Nadprzewodników i Technologii Wodorowych IWC PAN. Seminarium odbędzie się 22 stycznia 2025 (środa) o godz. 13:00 w Budynku Nowych Technologii IWC PAN, al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, 01-424 Warszawa, sala seminaryjna 2.35, jak również będzie transmitowane online na Zoom – link można otrzymać pisząc na dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl. Seminarium poświęcone jest prezentacji wyników naukowych uzyskanych w trakcie przygotowania rozprawy doktorskiej. Promotorem rozprawy jest dr hab. Shiv J. Singh, prof. IWC PAN. |