- Warsaw-4-PhD School
- Doctoral studies
Institute Thursday Seminar
Seminars - PT |
Nowadays, Global Warming & Energy Crisis is experienced in every country/state. It is a planetary-scale civilization threat, and breakthrough innovative concepts seem to be essential for their overcoming. New generations of energy storage facilities seem to be particularly important. The lecture presents the works of X-PressMatter laboratory (NL10) on 'glassy' batteries for electric energy storage and 'thermal batteries' for 'cold' and 'heat' storage. Both concepts are inherently associated with high pressures, from ~ 50 MPa (500 atm) to ~ 2 GPa. ‘Glassy’ batteries research is related to electrodes composed of nanocrystallites in the amorphous (glass), formed under high pressure and high temperatures. It is the ‘hope’ for extreme durability and avoiding ‘critical resources’, such as Lithium. The barocaloric effect-based ‘thermal batteries’ are related to exploring the latent heat (DH) and entropy (DS) associated with melting/freezing phase transition on compressing and decompressing. The obtained DS are 2-3x higher than the current 'record' – for processing neutral for the natural environment. It can allow the design of qualitatively new heating, cooling, and air conditioning systems. It is worth noting that 1 kg of R134a- type fluids, commonly used in air conditioning, has the same harmful effect on the atmosphere as a TIR truck after 6 months drive..
Prof. Sylwester J. Rzoska from our Institute, Laboratory of Ceramics and Glass, X-PressMatter will give a talk on „The Great Energy Crisis & Global Warming - some innovative solutions based on high-pressure-related R&D” in the coming Thursday UNIPRESS seminar.
The seminar will be held on-line on Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 15:00. To get the link to join the seminar, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl