- Warsaw-4-PhD School
- Doctoral studies
Position of the Scientific Council of IHPP PAS on Russia's attack on Ukraine

Position of the Scientific Council of IHPP PAS on Russia's attack on Ukraine
The Scientific Council of the Institute of High Pressures of the Polish Academy of Sciences strongly condemns the armed attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine. The inhumane decision taken by Russian President Vladimir Putin is a drastic violation of international law and an act of aggression against a sovereign state Ukraine. The unprovoked and unjustified attack carried out by Russia has already led to the death of innocent people and may further increase the scale of threats to the lives of more children, women and men. The traumatic experiences of World War II should sensitize us to the suffering and death caused by the war and remind us of the tragedy of passivity in stopping the aggressor.
The sense of security that has been built up for many years in Europe has been shattered. We call on the entire scientific community and all citizens of Russia and Belarus to protest and take all possible measures to restore peace in our part of Europe. We stand in solidarity with those Russians who, risking their lives and careers, are against the bloody dictatorship in their country. In particular, we are together with our Russian friends-scientists who take part in protests against aggression .
The Scientific Council of the Institute of High Pressures of the Polish Academy of Sciences stands in solidarity with and supports the Ukrainian nation defending its independence. We will try to do everything possible at present so that the long-term cooperation between Ukrainian and Polish scientists can continue to develop fruitfully for the benefit of both our nations.