- Warsaw-4-PhD School
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IHPP PAS Seminar on Physics and Technology of Nitride Semiconductors

Dear Collegues,
We are pleased to invite you for the next seminar in the series of IHPP PAS Seminars on Physics and Technology. Please, save the date on June 23, 2021 (Wednesday) at 10:00 am. The talk will be given by Urszula Szałaj, MSc from Laboratory of Nanostructures. The title of the presentation is: „Importance of certification procedures on the example of GoHAP nanomaterials for bone regeneration production". The seminar will be held in the remote mode on Zoom platform.
You are encouraged to actively take part in this scientific meeting!
Prof. dr hab. Czesław Skierbiszewski
Dr inż. Marta Sawicka