- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Usługi lokalne
Projekt NCN DAINA 1
Grupy - TeraGaN |
Decyzją Dyrektora Narodowego Centrum Nauki DEC-2017/27/L/ST7/03283
został przyznany projekt DAINA 1
Terahertzowe wzbudzenia plazmowe w jednowymiarowych tranzystorach GaN/AlGaN
Kierownik projektu Dr Maciej Sakowicz
Okres realizacji od 2019-01-01 do 2021-12-31 (36 miesiecy)
Nr rej. 2017/27/L/ST7/03283
- Optical Performance of Two Dimensional Electron Gas and GaN:C Buffer Layers in AlGaN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures on SiC Substrate
Roman B Adamov, Daniil Pashnev, Vadim A Shalygin, Maria D Moldavskaya, Maxim Ya Vinnichenko, Vytautas Janonis, Justinas Jorudas, Saulius Tumėnas, Paweł Prystawko, Marcin Kryśko, Maciej Sakowicz, Irmantas Kašalynas
MDPI Materials 2022, 15, 1118
IF 3.623
- Optical Performance of Two Dimensional Electron Gas and GaN:C Buffer Layers in AlGaN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures on SiC Substrate
Roman B Adamov, Daniil Pashnev, Vadim A Shalygin, Maria D Moldavskaya, Maxim Ya Vinnichenko, Vytautas Janonis, Justinas Jorudas, Saulius Tumėnas, Paweł Prystawko, Marcin Kryśko, Maciej Sakowicz, Irmantas Kašalynas
MDPI Applied Sciences 2021, 11, 6053
IF 2.679 - Double-Quantum-Well AlGaN/GaN Field Effect Transistors with Top and Back Gates: Electrical and Noise Characteristics
M. Dub, P. Sai, M. Sakowicz, L. Janicki, D.B. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywiński, W. Knap and S. Rumyantsev
MDPI Micromachines 2021, 12, 1343
IF 2.891
- Graphene as a Schottky Barrier Contact to AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
Maksym Dub, Pavlo Sai, Aleksandra Przewłoka, Aleksandra Krajewska, Maciej Sakowicz, Paweł Prystawko, Jacek Kacperski, Iwona Pasternak, Grzegorz Cywiński, Dmytro But, Wojciech Knap and Sergey Rumyantsev
MDPI Materials 2020, 13, 4140
IF 3.057 - AlGaN/GaN on SiC Devices without a GaN Buffer Layer: Electrical and Noise Characteristics
Justinas Jorudas, Artūr Šimukovič, Maksym Dub, Maciej Sakowicz, Paweł Prystawko, Simonas Indrišiūnas, Vitalij Kovalevskij, Sergey Rumyantsev, Wojciech Knap, Irmantas Kašalynas
MDPI Micromachines 2020, 11, 1131
IF 2.523 - Radiation from shallow oxygen impurity in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures in magnetic field
I.Grigelionis, N.Diakonova, W.Knap, F.Teppe, P.Prystawko, I.Kašalynas
Solid State Communications 2020, 320, 114019
IF 1.804 - Investigation of n-type gallium nitride grating for applications in coherent thermal sources
Vytautas Janonis, Saulius Tumėnas, Pawel Prystawko, Jacek Kacperski, Irmantas Kašalynas
Applied Physics Letters 2020, 116, 112103
IF 3.791
- Low frequency noise and trap density in GaN/AlGaN field effect transistors
P. Sai, J. Jorudas, M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, V. Jakštas, D. B. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywinski, I. Kašalynas, W. Knap and S. Rumyantsev
Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 183501 (2019)
IF 3.521 - Terahertz electroluminescence of shallow impurities in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures at 20 K and 110 K temperature
Ignas Grigelionis, Justinas Jorudas, Vytautas Jakštas, Vytautas Janonis, Irmantas Kašalynas, Pawel Prystawko, Piotr Kruszewski, Michal Leszczyński
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 93 (2019) 280
IF 3.927
Konferencje (2021)
Presentacje ustne
- Modified bow-tie antennas AlGaN/GaN FinFETs for sub-THz detection
M. Dub, P. Sai, A. V. Chernyadiev, D. B. But, M. Sakowicz, P. Prystawko, A. Lisauskas, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev, and W. Knap,
46th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 29.08 – 3.09.2021, Chengdu, China. - AlGaN/GaN heterostructures for plasma wave detection and emission in THz regime
M. Sakowicz, P. Sai, D. B. But, G. Cywinski, M. Dub, I. Kašalynas, P. Prystawko, S. Rumyantsev, and W. Knap
SPIE OPTO - Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XIV, 6-11.03.2021, San Francisco, USA.
Konferencje (2020)
Presentacje ustne
- Sub-Terahertz Detection by Fin-Shaped GaN/AlGaN Transistors
P. Sai, D. B. But, G. Cywiński, M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, P. Prystawko, S. L. Rumyantsev, and W. Knap,
Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XIII Conference, February 1-6, 2020 San Francisco, California, United States. - Combination of laser and e-beam lithography for large area submicron grating-gate AlGaN/GaN THz devices
P. Sai, M. Słowikowski, M. Filipiak, P. Wiśniewski, G. Cywiński, M. Sakowicz, P. Prystawko, S. Rumyantsev, W. Knap
33rd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2020), 9-12 November, 2020, Japan (online conference). - Anomalous sub-THz detection by GaN/AlGaN FinFETs
Dub, M., Sai, P., But, D. B., Jorudas, J., Kašalynas, I., Sakowicz, M., G. Cywinski; S. Rumyantsev, Knap
23rd International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON2020) 5-8.10.2020, Warsaw, Poland.
Konferencje (2019)
Prezentacje ustne
- Optimization of AlGaN/GaN EdgeFETs for terahertz detection by optimization of ohmic contacts
M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, P. Sai, D. B. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywiński,S. Rumyantsev, W. Knap
Lithuania-Poland Workshop on Physics and Technology, Vilnius (2019), Lithuania - AlGaN/GaN EdgeFET with two lateral Schottky barrier gates as detector in sub-THz range
P. Sai, D. B. But, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev, M. Sakowicz, M. Dub, P. Prystawko, W. Knap
XI Symposium of Ph.D Students, Serock, Poland - Sub-THz detection by lateral high electron mobility devices based on AlGaN/GaN heterostructures
P. Sai, D. B. But, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev, M. Sakowicz, M. Dub, W. Knap
Jaszowiec 2019, Szczyrk -International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors - Electrical and Noise Characteristics of Fin-Shaped GaN/AlGaN Devices for High Frequency Operation
P. Sai, D. B. But, M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, B. Grzywacz, P. Prystawko, G. Cywinski,, W. Knap, S. Rumyantsev
ESSDERC-ESSCIRC Conference (2019), Cracow, Poland - Noise Characterization of GaN/AlGaN High Electron Mobility Transistor
P. Sai, J. Jorudas, M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, D. B. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywinski, I. Kašalynas, W. Knap, S. Rumyantsev
French-Polish THz Science and Technology Meeting (2019), Warsaw, Poland - AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures for Plasma Wave Detection and Emission in THz Regime
M. Sakowicz, P. Sai, D. B. But, G. Cywiński, M. Dub, I. Kasalynas, P. Prystawko, S. Rumyantsev, W. Knap
CENTERA THz DAYS 2019, Warsaw, Poland (invited talk) - THz Detectors Based on GaN/AlGaN Lateral Schottky Barrier Diodes
G. Cywiński, P. Sai, M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, D. B. But, P. Prystawko, W. Knap, S. Rumyantsev
French-Polish THz Science and Technology Meeting (2019), Warsaw, Poland
Plakaty (2019)
- Optimization of Al/GaN EdgeFETs for terahertz detection by regrowth of ohmic contacts
M. Dub, M. Sakowicz, P. Sai, D. But, P. Prystawko, G. Cywiński, S. Rumyantsev, W. Knap
Jaszowiec 2019, Szczyrk -International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors