- Warsaw-4-PhD School
- Doctoral studies
Unipress Thursday Seminar
Seminars - PT |
More than 40 years ago, a new direction in physics opened up with the arrival of plasma-wave electronics. The possibility that the plasma waves could propagate faster than electrons fascinated all. Therefore, it was initially expected that plasmonic devices, including detectors and generators of electromagnetic radiation, would be able to work effectively in the very high frequencies - terahertz (THz) range, inaccessible to standard electronic devices. However, numerous experimental attempts to realize the amplifiers or emitters failed: the intensity of radiation turned out to be too small, plasma resonances too broad, or devices operated only at cryogenic temperatures.
This fascinating subject will be discussed during next Unipress Thursday seminar by the awardee of the ERC Advanced Grant Prof. Wojciech Knap from our Institute CENTETRA Laboratories in a talk "Plasmonic Crystals in Graphene and GaN for Terahertz Active Devices”.
Abstract of the talk is here.
Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl